Tuesday, July 9, 2013

DNS Configuration


1. Preparing linux box for the exercise

2. Configuring IP address using ifconfig

3. Modification of named.conf.local
4. Creation of zone files


5. Usage of named-checkconf and named-checkzone

named-checkconf on named.conf.local

named-checkzone on db.cmscwantriseben.com

named-checkzone on db.192.168.3
6. Starting the server

bind9 restart

7. Specifying the DNS Servers to be used

Modifying DNS Servers to be used

8. Testing DNS Servers
using Dig
9. Ping

Pinging rclha
Pinging vre

Pinging sgs
10. Reflection
     DNS Configuration , like TCP/IP, is fun to do although at the last part of the exercise I was a bit of annoyed because I forgot to take 3 screenshots of Pings.
     In setting up a DNS configuration after doing step 1 I used ifconfig. Ifconfig allows the user to modify the assigned IP address of a given machine in the network. Afterwards I configurated the named.conf.local using VI Editor. Named.conf.local contains the forward and backward zone configuration of the "network name" we are using. This includes (1) State of Authority and (2) file (contains the file path). The first block of the code is for the domain name comsciwantriseben and the second block contains its IP written in backwards. The next step ( 4 ) defines a list of the set of all addresses the computer can connect to and its corresponding name. It is almost identical to TCP/IP configuration when I used ifconfig last time. The file also contains a configuration on how the computer behaves when connecting(or being connected to?).
    After configuring. I used named-checkconf and named-checkzone to check if the syntax(not the semantics) of the conf file and zone files are correct. This outputs the serial number and an OK when the file has no syntax errors. After the test is successful we can now proceed to starting up the server, but before we can fully check for connection we must configure also the resolv.conf. Resolv.conf contains the settings of the network to be used. If i remembered correctly in SSH exercise Intranet UPLB is the network we accessed in order for us to communicate with one another. Now that we have started the server , we now check if we can communicate in other computers with the network. I used dig to check if there are response to the IP's that i have included. After that when there are no problems. I can now finally a specific host w/c is shown in Step 9.
    In conclusion DNS Configuration is a bit simple in idea, because, it's like setting up how to connect to sockets. The only difference is that these sockets must names in order for them to be accessed in another way if you do not wish to memorize IPs. DNS Configuration can also be tedious if you are to reconfigure since you may need to redo some process if you wish to change something. A big part on it is on named-checkconf, named-checkzone, starting the server.

Extra :
In step9 Picture 3. I pinged MRA but resulted into SGS, this is because . when i asked MRA about the IP address of her computer I think she gave the wrong number, instead i got the IP of the computer beside her SGS. I observed that in modifying the DNS it is identically similar to the Phonebook analogy. Even if you put different names. It will always depend on the IP as long as it is mapped to there.

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